Passages: Poems 1969-2019

Passages : Poems 1969 – 2019 gathers in one volume much of Paul Rossiter’s poetry, written over the course of fifty years in many countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. It includes most of the poems from the five retrospective collections and two gatherings of new work published by Isobar Press between 2013 and 2021, together with some poems that only ever appeared in In Daylight and Monumenta Nipponica, both published in 1995. A few entirely new pieces have been added.

A quiet voice, all the louder for its quietude, Paul Rossiter’s is one of the most subtle, the most centred and most needed for turbulent times. – Marius Kociejowski

Paul Rossiter is a musician and a dancer. His footprint is human but a light one. He touches down in various places across a hemisphere, picks up on the sights and sounds, and plays them straight. His is a voice you want to keep listening to. – Laurie Duggan

The poems [in From the Japanese] are so tangible, clear and precise and I love the naturalness – like human speech – of the writing. And how real their concerns are.  A lovely thing to have created such a book for others to walk into. – Lee Harwood

December 2024. 508 pages. 229 x 152 mm. ISBN 978-4-907359-49-2 (paperback).

Click here to read an excerpt from this book.

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