Nadine Willems

Nadine Willems obtained her PhD in History from the University of Oxford in 2015 and joined the University of East Anglia as lecturer in Japanese history in 2016.  She specialises in the intellectual and cultural history of modern Japan, with a particular focus on early twentieth-century transnational revolutionary connections between Europe and East Asia.  Her research interests extend to the history of ethnography, proletarian literature and the development of the discipline of geography.  Prior to returning to academia in 2008, she worked in media and business in Tokyo for fifteen years. She is the author of Ishikawa Sanshiro’s Geographical Imagination: Transnational Anarchism and the Reconfiguration of Everyday Life in Early Twentieth Century Japan (Leiden University Press, 2020).

Kotan Chronicles: Selected Poems 1928–1943 by Genzō Sarashina