Kiwao Nomura

Kiwao Nomura (1951–) is the leading experimental voice in contemporary Japanese poetry. He is also a major critic and theorist, who, along with Shuri Kido, has been responsible for providing a whole new interpretation of Japan’s postwar period in literature. He has also written on French poets, including a book-length analysis of Rimbaud as seen through the concepts of Deleuze and Guattari. He has published twenty-six volumes of verse since 1987 and translated the complete poems of René Char into Japanese. His selected poems in English, Spectacle and Pigsty, translated by Kyoko Yoshida and Forrest Gander, was published in the US in 2011, but The Day Laid Bare is the first time a single volume of his has been translated in its entirety.

In September 2020 he was awarded the 38th Modern Poetry Prize by the Japan Poets Association for his book Hakumei no Saudāji (Twilight Saudade, 2019).


The Day Laid Bare