Paul Rossiter

Paul Rossiter was born in Cornwall in 1947. After visiting Japan for six months in 1969, he worked as a saxophonist in Scotland and England until he moved permanently to Japan in 1981. He retired from teaching English and applied linguistics at the University of Tokyo in 2012 and in the following year founded Isobar Press. In addition to his Isobar books, three earlier volumes of his poetry have been published in Japan: In Daylight (Printed Matter, 1995), Monumenta Nipponica (Saru, 1995), and The Painting Stick (Pine Wave, 2005).

(Photo by Sergio Maria Calatroni)

 From the Japanese

Seeing Sights

World Without

Temporary Measures

On Arrival

The Painting Stick (second edition)

The Pleasures of Peace

Passages: Poems 1969–2019

David Silverstein: Whispers, Sympathy, and Apparitions (editor)

Click here to read comments on From the Japanese by Lee Harwood, John Welch and Ian Brinton.

Click here to see a video of Paul Rossiter reading ‘Komachi’ and  ‘A Letter from Ishinomaki’ from From the Japanese at the launch of the book in January 2014.

daylightmonumentapainting stick